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One and only teachers essential! A complete Montessori material for working with children in a forest topic. We guarantee, that it will be helpfull to work for preschoolers and older kids. Below you will find a detailed descrition of the Teachers Essentail. Enjoy!

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Teacher Essential „BEES” is one and only montessori material, ready to print, created by Magdalena Szcześniewska – one of the best Montessori trainer in Poland. It is full of interesting facts, activity and beautiful pictures. Theacher essentail shown children the information in a very accessible way, it teaches through play.

Teacher Essential  consist of:

  • three part cards: life cycle of a bee
  • sciencet cards: parts of bee
  • sciencet cards: parts of a hive
  • cards: types of honey
  • cards: which animals pollinate flowers
  • three part cards: beekeeping tools
  • a book: how is honey made
  • activity: differences between a bee and a wasp
  • activity: pin punching
  • language: writing on pink-lined paper
  • activity: cutting along the line
  • activity: graphomotor exercises
  • a book: fascinating facts about bees

Check also our latest Teacher Essentials:

Teacher Essentail Winter

Teacher Essentail Forest

Teacher Essentail Christmas

NIEZBĘDNIK EDUAKCYJNY „PSZCZOŁY” to zbiór informacji i ciekawostek o pszczołach, przekazany w bardzo przystępny sposób. Jest to gotowy materiał Montessori to druku. Największą zaletą Niezbędnika jest fakt, iż nadaje się on do pracy zarówno z przedszkolakami, jak i ze starszymi dziećmi. Jest to idealny materiał do wprowadzenia dzieciom tematu pór roku oraz szerszego przedstawienia wiosny.

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